
Stargate Archives - Travelers

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As a tip of the hat to the second season of Travelers appearing globally on Netflix on the 26th of December ( a few days ago ) I decided to re-release our bonus episode from last year were I was joined by Alan and Steve for our usual commentary type show.

Travelers was created by Brad Wright and as Stargate fans we'll recognise much of the behind the scenes talent that were involved in the production of the show not to mention the excellent ensemble cast both regular and guests. The first and second season were premiered in Canada before appearing on Netflix, at this time a third season has not been ordered and as is often the case a strong showing on the streaming service could be the key to the shows future.

Travelers at heart is a time travel series centered on a group of individuals who have returned into their past to prevent a disaster that has global impact, in their time the world and the human race are dying and all their technology is focused on repairing the damage done even if it ultimately leads to their own deaths or more accurately their births. This premiere episode (also named Travelers) basically introduces us to the main team as they attempt to blend into a world that is very much unlike the one they came from and trying to make no false steps as they are forced to continue the lives of the people they replace. The variety of the group and their situations maximises the story telling options and as the series continues the show just gets better and better as more complexity is added and yes as they change the past their future changes as well. I can highly recommend Travelers to any fan of science fiction and with Eric McCormack as the lead his presence really does add a level of audience awareness a lot of shows in the genre would kill for.