Stargate SG1 Season 1 - Kree

Stargate SG1

Season One

Kree or not to Kree

Well here we are again trying to spice things up a little and thus the beginning of a new series of podcasts which take a look at each season of Stargate and decide if each episode is really worth watching for someone new to the franchise or those like us who have rewatched many a time.

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Brad joined me for this quite lengthy discussion of the first season of Stargate SG1 and while the concept of see it/skip it is well established for podcasts coming up with a unique tag for each option proved difficult. We eventually went with “Kree” which is a versatile word but only when editing did I realise Harlan had the perfect word to partner the Jaffa word. Anyhow enjoy the podcast and as always if you fancy joining me to talk Stargate then get in touch and we can arrange something.